Buckeye Trail - Bedford

Bedford Section

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Trail Description

Bridal Veil Falls
Darlene Karoly

Supervisor: Bill HInes

66.2 Total Miles / 44.6 Off Road Miles (67.4%)
Map Publication Date: April 2022

The Bedford section begins in the Brecksville Reservation, a unit of Cleveland Metro Parks(CMP), at a simple sign near a parking area marked Buckeye Trail. This point marks the beginning of both the Bedford and Akron Sections and the end of the Medina Section. Although changes to the trail continue, this junction marks the point at which the Buckeye Trail (BT) was formally completed in 1981 as a hiking trail in a loop that can be said to link the four corners of Ohio.

The Bedford Section goes generally northeast from Brecksville Reservation to Headlands Beach State Park on Lake Erie, the BT's most norther extension, where the trail meets the Burton Section. Along the way, the trail follows the Towpath Trail in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, and then trails through Bedford Reservation (CMP) and South Chagrin Reservation (CMP). Although more road walking is encountered from here on, significant intervals on footpath are found within North Chagrin Reservation (CMP), Chapin Forest Reservation, a unit of Lake Metroparks (LMP), with its view of Cleveland off in the distance, Penitentiary Glen Reservation (LMP), Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve (City of Mentor) along bluffs above Lake Erie and Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve where you may see nesting eagles.

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Trail Alerts

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Map Updates

  • (11/22/2024) This map update removes an alert from October for an issue in the Bedford Section between Points 30 and 31 in Mentor Lagoon. Significant erosion of the Mentor Lagoons bluff along Lake Erie took out a portion of the Lakefront Trail. When the erosion first occurred, the City of Mentor provided a temporary APT to route the trail around the erosion. Bill Hines, Bedford Section Supervisor, is happy to report that the trail has been rerouted permanently around the affected area and is open for use. Point 31 moved as a part of the reroute because it was located in the erosion area.

    In addition, while following the reroute, an error was found in reported miles between Points 29 and 31 that has eliminated 0.2mi off the section miles. However, with the reroute of the trail from Points 30 to 31, no change occurs in the length of the trail in the Bedford Section. It remains at 66.2 mi.

    This update affects the Bedford printed map edition of April 2022, and the current FarOut and Avenza App versions from this spring in 2024.

    See the trail log below:
    CW CCW Pt
    29 Entrance to Veterans Park (Lake Metroparks) (P, PS, PT, W, WC)
    St Paul’s Presbyterian Church is across road. BT continues N on bicycle path along Hopkins Rd past Mentor Shore Junior High School where bike path ends. At the end of Hopkins Rd, the BT jogs E on Lake Shore Blvd (SR 283), N on Harbor Drive and then E on Harbor Drive.
    30 Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve and Marina (P)
    Harbor Drive ends at a small parking lot for the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve and Marina (P). The BT continues NE through the parking lot to the Overlook Trail which climbs N in woods to reach a bluff above the Lake Erie shore. The trail continues E to where it meets Headlands Rd. Contiune E.
    31 Headlands Rd/Lakeview Dr
    At Lakeview Dr, BT turns S and now continues through residential neighborhoods. In 1900', BT turns E on Garden Lane. Follow remaining directions to Morton Park.
  • (10/25/2024) Recent changes in the Bedford Section caused this map update for Points 1-3. Bill Hines, Section Supervisor, provided the information which includes a new location for Point 2. The update applies to the Bedford 2022 map edition and to the current BTA Avenza and FarOUT applications. As a result of the update, the length of the BT in Bedford is increased by 0.2 off road miles.

    See the trail log below:
    CW CCW Pt
    1 Trail Junction near Deer Lick Cave, Brecksville Reservation, Cleveland Metroparks (CMP)
    Throughout the BEDFORD SECTION, most picnic areas (PA) are equipped with P, Pr, PS, PT and seasonal W. Variations from the theme are noted in following text. Although BT is routed through scenic areas, the region is highly urbanized. BTA recommends that you park in well-defined parking areas within parks. Here is the beginning of both BEDFORD and AKRON SECTIONS and the end of MEDINA SECTION. To the W, Cincinnati lies 459 mi away; to the S through the Wilderness Loop, 722 mi; or to the south through the Appalachian Hills Wildlife Area, 680 mi. BEDFORD SECTION ends in 66.2 mi at Headlands Beach SP, the northern-most point on the BT. BT goes NE on CMP trails along the NW side of Valley Pkwy. In 3200', BT turns SE across Valley Pkwy near the vehicular exit from Oak Grove PA. BT jogs 140' on paved APT. BT turns E off the APT for 100' then turns S for 100'. The trail then turns E onto the My Mountain Trail. The BT remains on the My Mountain Trail for .9 mile.
    2 BT Intersection at My Mountain Trail
    BT diverges from the My Mountain Trail and begins descent on S side of ridge to S bank of Chippewa Creek, after 1800' reaching Riverview Rd. BT continues 450', crossing Riverview Rd and turning N across bridge to where the trail turns NE into roughly mowed field. The trail heads towards post at NE corner of the field. Cross Chippewa Creek Dr and join APT heading E.
    3 Station Road Trailhead (P, Pr)
    The Brecksville RR Station stood between RR and the wrought iron bridge over the Cuyahoga R. A factory stood on parking area to S. BT crosses Cuyahoga R on bridge and enters Summit Cty from Cuyahoga Cty. In 450', BT turns N on Towpath Trail (TPT). Just before passing beneath arched highway bridge (SR 82), BT diverges W on paved bridle path to cross the headworks for the feeder canal and then passes near the old state dam. Remains of the downstream wingwalls of Lock 36 can be seen across canal beneath TPT bridge as the trails merge. BT continues on the TPT generally N through Pinery Narrows which was named after the White Pine indigenous to the narrows. A pine or two may be seen from the TPT, particularly in winter, on the valley rim above the canal.
  • (2/8/2024) This map update addresses a trail change to the BT in Headlands Beach State Park between Points 33 and 34 in the Bedford Section. Recent work at the park to restore a wetland resulted in taking the BT off-road for this entire Point. The actual trail reroute only changes the length of this point 100ft which is minimal.

    The new description for Point 33 is as follows:
    CW CCW Pt
    33 Shipman Pond Parking Area (P) at Headlands Rd
    Cross Headlands Rd to enter Headlands Beach State Park (P, PA, PS, PT, WS, WC) on BT. In 60ft, turn right (NE) along tree line and ascend to top of hill. In 200ft at trail switchback, descend heading NW and gradually turn left (W). After 400ft, follow BT another 510ft as it curves around the restored wetland, first turning NW, then N, and finally NE. In 0.62mi, reach the Northern Terminus of the BT.
  • (4/7/2020) This material updates the Bedford Map, Edition of February 2012. It is needed because the information at Pt 11 (Bridle Path Junction near Harper Ridge PA) was confusing; i.e.- poorly written. In short, the trail does not cross Hawthorn Pkwy here. Only cross the pkwy if you wish to take advantage of any of the facilities in the picnic area. To correct your text in your February 2012 edition, replace the first sentence under Pt 11 with the italicized material in the text below.
    CW CCW Pt
    11 Harper Ridge PA
    You are here: 41.41457 N, 81.45926 W. The drive into Harper Ridge PA (no W) is just across Hawthorn Pkwy. If you prefer, a more rustic approach into the PA is just ahead at: 41.41469°N, 81.45861°W. From there, a bridle trail heads S across the pkwy into the woods. The bridle trail continues S along the E side of the Harper Ridge PA and provides easy access to the PA.
    BT continues E across 2 private roads . . . . This material ends here. Return to the text under Pt 11 in your present edition.
  • (4/23/18)Hopkins Road in Mentor between Hendricks Rd and Plaines Rd will be closed for 6 months for highway work beginning on Friday, April 27. This location is a little S of Point 29 as shown in the Bedford Section Map Edition of February 2012. Even though Hopkins Road will reopen, the BTA is making a permanent route change to ensure safer hiking. Said change is shown below in new text added at the end of the present text written under Point 28. See below. This change will increase the length of trail in the Bedford Section by only 0.16 miles.

    CW CCW Pt
    28 Hopkins Rd at Mentor Ave (US 20)
    Facilities: G to E, R to E and W.
    BT continues N on Hopkins Rd past schools and cemetery. Trail follows a paved bicycle path N across Jackson St and gradually turns NW through industrial area. Shortly after crossing above SR 2 at the intersection of Hopkins Rd, Munson Rd and Market St, BT turns NE still along Hopkins Rd past Civic Center Park. In 1400' across from Pinewood Court, BT turns NW away from Hopkins Rd and descends to cross Marsh Creek in wooded area. Bikeway turns N as it comes in view of Mentor Civic Arena (P, WC) and returns to Hopkins Rd at Rosewood Lane. BT continues N along Hopkins Rd. After 0.13 mi, exit Hopkins Rd W onto Hendricks Rd. At the end of Hendricks Rd (0.35 mi), turn N onto Center St. After 0.4 mi at the intersection of Center St, Plaines Rd and Hopkins Rd, rejoin Hopkins Rd and continue N.
    29 Entrance to Veterans Park (Lake Metroparks)
    Facilities: P, PS, PT, W, WC

  • (8/8/17)While attempting to follow the Bedford Section Edition of February 2012, hikers raised questions about the exact route of the trail through the Pinery Narrows. The text under Point 3 has been rewritten to clarify this important issue. In addition, some matter, which does not seem either important or interesting any longer, has been removed. The style remains unchanged.

    If the text under any other points cause you problems, please let us know. After all, a Section Map that leaves anyone in doubt about the route of the trail is of little use at all.

    CW CCW Pt
    3 Station Road Trailhead (P, WC)
    BT crosses Cuyahoga R on bridge and enters Summit Cty from Cuyahoga Cty. After 450‘, BT turns N on Towpath Trail (TPT). Just before passing beneath an arched highway bridge (SR 82), BT diverges briefly W from the TPT to cross the headworks of a feeder canal and then passes near the old state dam. Portions of the downstream wingwalls from Lock 36 can be seen across canal beneath TPT bridge where the trails merge. BT continues on the TPT generally N through Pinery Narrows which was named after the White Pine indigenous to the narrows. A pine or two may be seen from the TPT, particularly in winter, on the valley rim above the canal.

  • (2/28/16) For one reason or another, an error has persisted on the Bedford Section Map for many years until Pat Hayes spotted it in February 2016. Thankfully, it apparently bothered no one since it had not been reported since at least 2001 when this portion of the trail was first established. At that time, the trail segment was described in the Burton Section!

    The correction occurs towards the end of the text in the Bedford Section Point 29. In the last sentence, change "Hillcrest Ave" to "Harbor Drive." This last sentence under Point 29 should now read, "At the end of Hopkins Rd, the BT jogs E on Lake Shore Blvd (SR 283), N on Harbor Drive and then E on Harbor Drive." You guessed it! Harbor Drive heading N intersects another Harbor Drive heading E/W.

Trail Towns

City of Mentor

The City of Mentor is proud of our status as a Buckeye Trail Town. We are a part of the Bedford Section which leads to the Northeast Terminus of the Buckeye Trail at Headlands Beach State Park– Ohio’s longest natural beach!

You’ll make your way through the Mentor Marsh – an important stop for migratory birds in the spring and fall. Enjoy the natural splendor and photo opportunities of this unique ecosystem at the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve & Marina and the Mentor Marsh State Nature Preserve.

There is a lot to see and do in Mentor and neighboring communities. History buffs will enjoy the stoic tranquility of the James A. Garfield National Historic Site - home to our Nation’s 20th president and what is widely regarded as the first Presidential Library. The nearby Holden Arboretum is one of the largest arboreta and botanical gardens in the United States, with more than 3,600 acres, including 600 acres devoted to collections and gardens. And you’ll want to make sure you time your visit to take advantage of one of the great events hosted by the City each year – including their free Mentor Rocks summer concert series.

Last but not least, when you’re ready to take a break or need to replenish, Mentor is home to over 325 retailers, 170 eateries, as well as 9 hotels. Download a free Mentor Visitor Guide at www.visitmentor.com to plan your trip.

Section Blogs

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