BTA Academic Scholarship . . .
The Buckeye Trail is the first and only long distance hiking trail located within the State of Ohio. The trail traverses more than 40 of the 88 counties and is nearly 1,444 miles long. The Buckeye Trail Association is a large, dedicated body of volunteers who build, maintain, and promote the trail. But the BTA is more than just a management organization. Members socialize throughout the year, as well as promote natural resource awareness through National Trails Day events and through a working relationship with the North Country Trail and the American Discovery Trail as these trails traverse part of the Buckeye Trail. Members are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability thereby receiving the satisfaction of helping maintain and improve one of America's longest and most diverse trails.
The purpose of the Buckeye Trail Association Academic Scholarship is to encourage and assist an applicant pursuing or continuing a career related to the outdoors, such as forestry, outdoor education, natural resource management, conservation or environmental studies.
The BTA Academic Scholarship is open to any BTA member or student whose parent, guardian, or grandparent is a BTA member. The applicant must be a student who has applied for admission to a post high school educational program, as described above, which is at least two years in length.
Scholarship Information
The amount of the BTA Academic Scholarship is $500.00. The application must be received no later than April 1. The awardee (s) will be announced at the BTA Annual Meeting. The scholarship award(s) will be sent to the recipient(s) upon completion of their first or next term of study. Proof of completion in the academic grading period with a grade point of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale is required.
Scholarship Recipients
Maya Hill - The Ohio State University, Environmental Science
Allie Carter - The Ohio State University, Forestry, Fisheries & Wildlife
Sophia Huss, Michigan State University - Geoscience
Andrew Popa, Kent State - Political Science, Environmental Protection
Brock Brubaker, Hocking College, Wildlife Management
Eric Berger, University of California, Berkley - double major - Environmental Economics and Policy & Political Science
Michelle Benedum, Liberty University, Environmental Education
Sierra Bachman, Hocking College, Wildlife Management.
No applications received
Maria Dimengo, Case Western Reserve University, Non-Profit Management
Matt Mclain, Ohio University, Environmental Studies.
No applications received
No applications received
Levi Farley, Hocking Technical College, Wildlife Management
Steve Trotsel, Ohio University
Levi Farley, Hocking Technical College, Wildlife Management
No applications received
Barry Unger, Hocking Technical College, Wildlife Preservation
James (Andrew) Klingensmith, Hocking Technical College, Wildlife Management
Cindy Coss
Louisa Kreider
Louisa Kreider
Application Process
Each application consists of two parts:
- A completed application form
- Completion of the four (4) required attachments:
- list of extra curricular activities
- an essay (the essay becomes the property of the BTA)
- a letter of recommendation
- a transcript
The letter of recommendation must be from a guidance counselor, teacher or other person (non-family member) with direct knowledge of the applicant's academic goals.
Download a PDF of the Application. It requires Adobe Reader to open the file.
Submit applications through either:
- email to:
- mail to:
Buckeye Trail Association
Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 5
Shawnee, OH 43782
Scholarship Fund Donations
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the Buckeye Trail Scholarship Fund, you may do so by either mailing a check or making a donation online with a credit card:
- Download this mail in form and return it with your check
- Donate to the Scholarship Fund online with your credit card HERE