Upcoming Events . . .

Directions to BTA Barn at Tappan Lake (83949 Beall Road, Cadiz OH)

Location: Take I-77 to US-250 east (just south of New Philadelphia). Follow US-250 past Tappan Dam almost to the end of the lake. There is a causeway with a sign that reads "Tappan Lake Park". Turn right (this road would also take you to Deersville). Approximately 3.1 miles from the US-250 turnoff is Beall Rd. on the right. Follow this dead-end road (be sure to take the left leg not the right curve) and go a total of 1.3 mi. to where it ends at the BTA Barn down a long gravel driveway.

Contact: Steve Walker at

National Park Service

Description: The National Park Service is conducting a feasability study to determine the status of the Buckeye Trail to become a National Scenic Trail. The opportunity for the public and BTA supports to review the feasibility study process and share feedback regarding the study has ended. However, you may still view the study informmation. Please visit https://parkplanning.nps.gov/buckeyetrailfs for details

March 8, 2025, Saturday

Ohio River Chapter — Table at the CORA Bike and Trail Expo

Description: We are looking for a few volunteers to help us with a table at the Cincinnati Off-Road Allaince (CORA) Bike & Trail Expo at MadTree Brewing. This Expo will have a varied selection of cycling, hiking, outdoor equipment, adventure vans, campers, adventure destination exhibitors, and other outdoor-related nonprofits and businesses. Bringing together a vast community of cyclist, hikers, runners, campers, and other outdoor adventure seekers, this Expo has a little something for everyone.

Visit CORA's website for additional information.

Details: Event is from 10am-3pm.

Location:MadTree Brewing, 301 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45209

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1215689422789

Contact: with any questions.

March 22, 2025, Saturday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT (Non BT) Eden Park to Devou Park Hike

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Kentucky, we will again offer the ADT from Eden Park through KY and back to Ohio in 2 hikes.

Meeting Details: We will meet at Devou Park in Covington Ky at the parking lot in the middle of loop that is Park Ln. between Drees Pavilion and Volpenhein Pavilion, where there should be plenty of parking. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to Eden Park at the Buckeye Trail southern terminus and then walk to Devou Park. The walk is expected to be about 5.5 miles at an easy pace. Hike should be finished by 12 noon. This will be hike 1 of 2.

Meeting Location:9:00AM Meet at Drees Pavilion, 790 Park Ln, Covington, KY.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adt-non-bt-eden-park-to-devou-park-tickets-1117868507799

March 23, 2025, Sunday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT (Non BT) Miami Whitewater Forest to Elizabethtown OH- ADT OH North 1

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Ohio this year, our focus on is the North route from Elizabethtown.

Meeting Details: We will meet in Elizabethtown OH near the sign at the Elizabethtown Hall parking. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to parking at Miami Whitewater Forest and walk back. Walk is about 10‐11 miles and mostly on roads or some sidewalk. Hike should complete by 12:30PM.

Meeting Location:9:00AM Meet at Elizabethtown OH Townhall 3586 Wayne Ave, North Bend, OH.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adtnon-btmiami-whitewater-forest-to-elizabethtown-oh-adt-north-tickets-1118297972339

March 27, 2025, Thursday

BTA Board of Trustees Meeting

Description: 7:00 P.M. ‐ Virtual using WebEx

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

March 29, 2025, Saturday

NCT Hike in NW OH (Non BT) — Roche de Bout Parking To Springbrook Trailhead

Description: Ever wonder where the North Country Trail (NCT) leaves the Buckeye Trail in Northwest Ohio? Here is your chance to see that and start that hike toward Michigan — well at least 14.5 miles of it to Springbrook Trailhead. We will meet at 9am at Springbrook Trailhead and then group shuttle to Farnsworth Park Roche de Bout Parking area. This looks to include a number of trail surfaces ‐ bike path, road, and many miles on dirt/horse trail at Oak Openings MetroPark. Just for reference, the NCT Leaves the Buckeye Trail near Defiance Point 20

Meeting Location: Meeting location is Oak Openings Springbrook Parking Lot off Waterville Stanton Rd in Swanton OH. Specific location is 41.556389, -83.873611

Liability: Read the BTA Liability Waiver here.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nct-nw-oh-non-bt-roche-de-bout-parking-to-springbrook-trailhead-tickets-1131219169989

April 5, 2025, Saturday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT (Non BT) Devou Park KY to Fernbank Park OH Hike

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Kentucky, we again offer the ADT from Eden Park through KY and back to Ohio in 2 hikes. This is the 2nd of the two hikes.

Meeting Details: We will meet at Fernbank Park in Ohio ‐ Tecumseh Area. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to Devou Park where the last hike ended. The walk is expected to be about 12.15 miles ‐ last year was 13.27- perhaps a bit longer at an easy pace. Hike should be completed at 2:00PM.

Meeting Location:9:00AM Meet at Fernbank Park, Tecumseh Area

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adt-non-bt-devou-park-ky-to-fernbank-park-oh-tickets-1118153078959

April 6, 2025, Sunday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT(Non BT)Miami Whitewater Forest to Governor Bebb ‐ ADT OH North 2

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Ohio this year, our focus on is the North route from Elizabethtown.

Meeting Details: We will meet at Governor Bebb MetroPark ‐ see details in registration link for precise location in park. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to parking at Miami Whitewater Forest and walk back. Walk is about 11 miles perhaps slightly more and mostly on roads, some sidewalk. Hike should complete by 12:30PM.

Meeting Location:9:00AM Meet at Governor Bebb MetroPark, 1979 Bebb Park Ln, Okeana, OH.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adtnon-btmiami-whitewater-forest-to-governor-bebb-adt-north-2-tickets-1118914145329

April 25-27, 2025

Muskingum Lake Chapter's — Morelfest

Description: Morelfest is the Muskingum Lake Chapter's signature event held every spring at the BTA Beall Farmstead and Century Barn in Deersville, OH. Join us for a weekend-long celebration dedicated to the morel mushroom, featuring guided and solo foraging hikes, live music, campfires, potluck meals, and various outdoor activities. This year's theme is GLOW. All skill levels are welcome.

Meeting Details: Visit the BTA Morelfest page for all the details.

Location:BTA Beall Farmstead, 83949 Beall Rd Cadiz, OH 43907

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1224891245689

Contact: The Morelfest Team at with any questions.

April 26, 2025, Saturday

Ohio River Chapter — Ohio River Chapter April Hike Loveland Section

Description: Mathers Mill before Loveland pt25 to Morrow Trailhead near Loveland pt 20

Meeting Details: We will meet at the Morrow Trailhead parking near pt20, then group shuttle to the ODNR access at Mathers Mill off Corwin Rd and will walk back. Length is about 7 miles perhaps a bit more. Expect a relaxed and easy pace. This hike is fully on the Little Miami SP bike path. We will pass Morrow- the train station now a brewery and the caboose, Morgan's Canoe and Campground, nearest point to Ft Ancient on trail, go under the Jeremiah Morrow Bridge, Mathers Mill Nature Preserve

Meeting Location: 9:00AM at Morrow Trailhead near 240 Main St, Morrow, OH 45152 there is also street parking here.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1224891245689

Contact: Patrick Long at with any questions.

April 26-30, 2025

Medina Section — Richfield Heritage Preserve Work Party

Description: We will reroute the BT off the road and into the forest at Richfield. More details coming soon.

May 3-4, 2025

Blue Blaze Academy — at the Buckeye Trail Barn

Description: More details coming soon.

May 17-21, 2025

Stockport Section

Description: More details coming soon.

May 22, 2025, Thursday

Chapter Leadership Summit

Description: 7:00 P.M. ‐ Virtual using Google Meet

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

May 24, 2025, Saturday

Ohio River Chapter — Ohio River Chapter May Hike Loveland Section

Description: Foster Trailhead near pt15 to Morrow Trailhead near Loveland pt 20

Meeting Details: We will meet at the Morrow Trailhead parking near pt20, then group shuttle to the Foster Trailhead near pt15 and the Monkey Bar then walk back. Length is about 9.5 miles perhaps a bit more. Expect a relaxed and easy pace. This hike is fully on the Little Miami SP bike path. We will pass the Monkey Bar, possibly some views of Kings Island, Cartridge Brewing- formerly the Peters Cartridge Factory, Middletown Junction, South Lebanon, Ending in Morrow and the Train Depot now a Brewery.

Meeting Location: 9:00AM at Morrow Trailhead near 240 Main St, Morrow, OH 45152 there is also street parking here

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1227074124739

Contact: Patrick Long at with any questions.

May 25, 2025, Sunday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT (Non BT) Reily Community Center
to Governor Bebb — ADT OH North 3

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Ohio this year, our focus is the North route from Elizabethtown.

Meeting Details: We will meet at Governor Bebb MetroPark — see details in registration link for precise location in park. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to parking at Reily Community Center and walk back. The walk is about 9.3 miles perhaps slightly more and mostly on roads, some sidewalk.

Meeting Location: 9:00AM Meet at Governor Bebb MetroPark, 1979 Bebb Park Ln, Okeana, OH.

Liability: Read the BTA Liability Waiver here.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adtnon-bt-reily-community-center-to-governor-bebb-adt-north-3-tickets-1118963512989

Contact: Patrick Long at with any questions.

May 29, 2025, Thursday

BTA Board of Trustees Meeting

Description: 7:00 P.M. ‐ Virtual using WebEx

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

June 8, 2025, Sunday

Ohio River Chapter — ADT (Non BT) Reily Community Center
tReily Community Center to Hueston Woods — ADT OH North 3

Description: As part of an effort to hike all of the American Discovery Trail in Ohio this year, our focus is the North route from Elizabethtown.

Meeting Details: We will meet at at Hueston Woods Archery Area. We will then shuttle with as few cars as possible over to parking at Reily Community Center and walk back. The walk is about 13 miles perhaps slightly more and mostly on roads, some sidewalk.

Meeting Location: 9:00AM Meet at Hueston Woods Archery Parking, gps location 39.55707, -84.74059.

Liability: Read the BTA Liability Waiver here.

Signup: Register on Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adtnon-btreily-community-center-to-hueston-woods-adt-north-4-tickets-1118965418689

Contact: Patrick Long at with any questions.

June 19-22, 2025


Description: At Burr Oak State Park. More details coming soon.

July 12-16, 2025

Road Fork and Whipple Sections

Description: Annual maintenace work party. More details coming soon.

July 19-20, 2025

BTA Board of Trustees Retreat

Description: Located at the BTA Beall Farmstead on Tappan Lake ‐ Live and Virtual using WebEx.

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

July 19, 2025, Saturday

Chapter Leadership Summit at BTA Board of Trustees Retreat

Description: Located at the BTA Beall Farmstead on Tappan Lake. 7:00 P.M. ‐ Live and Virtual using Google Meet

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

Augsut 2-6, 2025

New Straitsville Section

Description: More details coming soon.

September 5-7, 2025

Buckeye TrailFest 2025

The 12th annual Buckeye TrailFest is scheduled for September 5‐7, 2025 at Maumee Bay State Park on the shore of Lake Erie.

Save the Date!

September 7, 2025, Sunday

BTA Board of Trustees Meeting During TrailFest

Description: About 10:00 A.M. at Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference Center ‐ Live and Virtual using WebEx

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

September 26‐27, 2025

Fall Trail Festival in Shawnee, Ohio

Description:The Village of Shawnee, will be hosting the Buckeye Trail “Blue Blaze Festival” bringing together many in the outdoor recreational community.

On Saturday, there will be a full day of activities. Since 2015, the Buckeye Trail Association has held a trail run in the Wayne National Forest on the Buckeye Trail. The previous runs included a marathon, half marathon, 10K and 5K distances. In 2021 the planning team restructured the event to include a day hike as a way to encourage more people to get out and enjoy the trail. The event now includes the 8-mile hike, plus the 5K, 10K and Half Marathon trail runs on the Buckeye Trail, all starting and finishing on Main Street.

Registration: Registration is open at https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/Shawnee/RunForBlueBlazes

November 6, 2025, Thursday

Chapter Leadership Summit

Description: 7:00 P.M. ‐ Live and Virtual using Google Meet

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.

November 13, 2025, Thursday

BTA Board of Trustees Meeting

Description: 7:00 P.M. ‐ Live and Virtual using WebEx

Contact: Email BTA Board of Trustees President, Steve Walker, at with any questions.


Page last updated March 1, 2025